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In our cooperation the main focus is on working together in academic teaching and international exchange. However in the past years, there was also some research projects, that were carried out in the course of our cooperation. You can examine and access the research undertaken in the frame of our project in the list below. The works are listed in order of their publication.

  • Zedan, A. (2020). The Achievement Motivation among the participating and not participating students in the workshop of Mosul University. Internal evaluation. Mosul University, College of Basic education
  • Sharif, I., & Qadir, B. (2020). Self-efficacy Expectations for Mosul University students. Internal evaluation. Mosul University, College of Basic education.
  • Wendt, H. (2020). Hochschullehre in Krisenregionen. Nach dem IS: Die Universität Mosul beim schwierigen Neuanfang. In: Weiterbildung: Zeitschrift für Grundlagen, Praxis und Trends. 3. 2-5 Access
  • Fattah, S., Senger, F. (2021) How can we teach our children in times of crisis? (benefit from the experience of citiy of Mosul. In: New Humanitarian Knowledge Journal. 1. 1. 185-198 Access
  • Symeonidis, V., Senger, F., Wendt, H. Zedan, A, Salim Dawood, S. & Jabrail, F. (2021). Teacher education in conflict-affected societies The case of Mosul University after the demise of the Islamic State. In: Madalińska-Michalak; J. (Eds). Quality in Teaching and Teacher Education. International Perspectives from a Changing World. Brill
  • Wendt, H., Senger, F., Singh, A., Alfaidhi, A. & Alnumman, R. (2021). Risks and Drivers of Success in Higher Education Partnerships in Conflict Contexts: A German-Iraqi Partnership in Times of Isolation and Displacement and First Steps Towards Recovery. In J. Wolf, K. Laing & K. Otrel-Cass (Eds). Risks in Partnerships in Education. Springer