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Getting ready: Lecturer Preparation meeting on 24.01.2022

Become part of the RESI-experience

Call for lecturers in the RESI-student conference on sustainability

For our RESI-student-conference from 05. to 10. March 2022 at Mosul University we would like to invite lecturers and professors from all academic fields to offer a four-day workshop for students. All workshops should be interdisciplinary in nature and of high relevance to the con­fe­rence theme: "Sustainability - a concept to guide reconstruction and reconciliation processes?". All workshops are supposed to be inclusive and problem-solving oriented and aiming to strengthen academia, dialogue, reconciliation and interdisciplinary thinking. We will give interdisciplinary lecturer teams preference, so we would like to encourage you to find a partner from another academic field. If you don’t have a partner yet, you are most welcome to apply as a single lecturer and we will do our best to find a suitable team for you Please fill in some information about yourself and the workshop that you would like to offer in the form below.

Become part of the RESI-Experience. We are very excited to work with you.

Please apply as a lecturer or lecturer team below

(Please write in English)

يرجى كتابة اسمك الكامل، كما تريد أن يظهر على الشهادة. ملاحظة صغيرة ، يرجى كتابة اسمك باللغة الإنجليزية
الرجاء كتابة عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني:
يرجى كتابة اسمك الكامل، كما تريد أن يظهر على الشهادة. ملاحظة صغيرة ، يرجى كتابة اسمك باللغة الإنجليزية

Workshop Description

Please write below a short text about your workshop. What contents would you like to discuss with your students? What would you like your students to learn? Please write 5-10 sentences in english.