What we want and what we do

The projects RESI and BSF - Building a Sustainable Future are the frame for the cooperation between University of Mosul, TU Dortmund University and University of Graz. With this collaboration we want to forster scientific and intercultural exchange between our universities and create programmes for students, researchers and young professors of various scientific disciplines. The collaboration is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst: DAAD) and supported by a network of scientists, professors and other academics at all of the participating universities and beyond.
All our acitivities are intended to promote peace, scientific spirit, academic discourse and sustainable development at the participating universities. Our main events are Student Conferences, which take place at University of Mosul and University of Dohuk, as well as online and intensive seminars for emerging researchers from University of Mosul which take place at TU Dortmund University.
Due to travel restrictions because of COVID-19 pandemic, most of our activities are now taking place online. In 2020 and 2021 we organize student conferences and creativity competitions with students as well as online research symposia, expert talks and workshops.